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4 . 2024

Vitamin D status in connection with VDR and GC genes polymorphism in coal mining workers


Vitamin D is a unique compound that can enter the human body not only with food, but also be synthesized in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Individual differences in the need for this vitamin may be associated with the carriage of polymorphic variants of genes that implement its biological effects, which include VDR BsmI C>T (rs1544410), VDR TaqI A>G (rs731236) and GC rs2282679 T>G. At risk for vitamin D deficiency are workers in the coal mining industry, whose working conditions combine limited insolation and a pronounced deficiency of vitamins in the diet.

The purpose of the study was to assess vitamin D plasma level in coal mining workers depending on the carriage of polymorphic variants of the VDR BsmI C>T (rs1544410), VDR TaqI A>G (rs731236) and GC rs2282679 T>G genes and professional working conditions.

Material and methods. The study included 154 coal mining workers. The main group consisted of 100 workers associated with the underground nature of work, the comparison group – 54 ground workers of the enterprise. In all individuals, the level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in blood plasma was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and genotyping was performed for three polymorphic loci: VDR rs1544410, rs731236, GC rs2282679 by real-time PCR.

Results. A statistically significant decrease in the concentration of plasma vitamin D in the underground workers was revealed, compared with the level of this vitamin in ground workers of the enterprise (p=0.037). Underground workers – carriers of the CT genotype of the VDR rs1544410 gene, AG of the VDR rs731236 gene and TT of the GC rs2282679 gene had a lower 25(OH)D level in blood plasma compared to owners of similar genotype variants in the comparison group (p<0.05). Among ground workers, carriers of the TT genotype of the GC rs2282679 gene had a significantly higher vitamin D plasma level compared to carriers of the TG and GG genotypes (p=0.02). An association of the GC gene with vitamin D level in blood plasma was revealed according to a dominant model of inheritance (OR=0.47, 95% CI 0.23–0.97; p=0.037, for owners of the TT genotype, compared with carriers of the TG+GG genotypes).

Conclusion. The development of personalized diets based on individual genetic status may be of great importance for the prevention of diseases associated with vitamin D deficiency in individuals at risk.

Keywords:vitamin D; blood plasma; genetic polymorphism; coal mining workers; underground working conditions; personalized diet

Funding. This research was supported by the «Priority 2030» program № 075-15-2023-244 dated 02/14/2023.

Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Contribution. Concept of the study – Minina V.I., Milentyeva I.S.; collection of the data – Minina V.I., Soboleva O.A., Torgunakova A.V.; DNA extraction, genotyping – Titov R.A., Yakovleva A.A.: statistical analysis of the data, writing the article – Soboleva O.A., Torgunakova A.V., Minina V.I., Asyakina L.K.; scientific consulting, editing – Prosekov A.Yu.; approval of the final version of the article, responsibility for the integrity of all parts and content of the article – all authors.

Acknowledgment. The authors express gratitude to the staff of the «Energetik» Medical Research Center for their assistance in collecting biological material and conducting an analysis to determine vitamin D level in blood plasma of the study participants.

For citation: Soboleva O.A., Minina V.I., Torgunakova A.V., Titov R.A., Yakovleva A.A., Milentyeva I.S., Asyakina L.K., Prosekov A.Yu. Vitamin D status in connection with VDR and GC genes polymorphism in coal mining workers. Voprosy pitaniia [Problems of Nutrition]. 2024; 93 (4): 74–83. DOI: (in Russian)


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Viktor A. Tutelyan
Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Scientific Director of the Federal Research Centre of Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety (Moscow, Russia)

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