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3 . 2012

The problems of modern rehabilitology (proceedings of VII International Conference)

AbstractThe article is devoted to rendering of the proceedings of the VII International conference on scientific and practical arrangements of the modern rehabilitology. Over 300 specialists participated in the conference, among them a big number of physicians and prominent scientists. The main report was made by a corresponding member of RAMS А. Romanov, who dwelled upon the problems of development and quality of specialized multi-field rehabilitation centers, specializing in providing modern highly qualified medical aid and extending human professional longevity. The report of full member of RAMS, prof. V. Tutelyan, was devoted to problems of nutrition, first of all, to fundamentals of nutriology, modern methods of diagnostics of human nutrition status and ways of dietary correction, performed with the use of computer programs. 2 symposia were held within the framework of the conference. One symposium was devoted to actual problems of rehabilitology in rehabilitation centers affiliated to the Department of Presidential Affairs of the Russian Federation, the other one – to an adverse influence of weather on human health.

Keywords:rehabilitology, center for rehabilitology, dietary correction

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Viktor A. Tutelyan
Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Scientific Director of the Federal Research Centre of Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety (Moscow, Russia)

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